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For young adults to encounter Jesus and find their people. 

AustinCity exists because young adults need spaces where they can encounter Jesus and find their people. If you are trying to figure out who Jesus is, or you want to grow in your relationship with Him then AustinCity is for you. If you are looking for people to have fun with, and more importantly people who will push you towards Jesus then AustinCity is for you. Join us at one of our Tuesday gatherings or sign up for a small group!

AustinCity is for anyone postgrad, 23-30 year olds.

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AustinCity Tuesdays

Tuesdays | 7:30pm | Bee Cave Campus, Bldg A

Come jump in with our young adults ministry for a midweek worship service starting Aug 20 on Tuesdays at 7:30pm, meeting at our Bee Cave Campus. We want to see you there!

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Small Groups

Join a Grow Group!

Our small groups are designed to create spaces for people to dive into God’s word in a deeper way, growing alongside each other, and learning how to be people that look like Jesus. New small groups launch in September!

Upcoming Events

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Keep Up With Us!

Sign up for updates on the latest events!

More Opportunities to Grow

D-Group Books and Bibles

Disciplemaking groups are small (4-6 people), same-gender groups that meet weekly, working through a curriculum designed around our beliefs of who a disciple is and what a disciple does.

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EQUIP offers a variety of classes designed to help every person better understand the Bible, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and confidently engage others with the gospel.

Serve with Us

We have several opportunities to serve! From our weekly services, to group service projects, and short-term missions trips.

Young Adults Team

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  • Matt Thigpen

    Matt Thigpen

    Matt grew up in Dallas as a “PK” (pastor’s kid) and was radically transformed by God as a high school student at summer camp. He met his wife, Sarah, while they both worked at James Avery Jewelry, and they are blessed to have three daughters, Macie, Ellie, and Sadie. He likes to vacation with his wife, play games that make his daughters laugh, read books related to Jesus, eat delicious desserts, and see funny stand-up comics. Matt's passion is Jesus, and he wants to be used by God to ignite a passion for Jesus in young adults and the next generation.

  • Sydney Frank

    Sydney Frank

    Sydney was born and raised in Texas. She graduated from University of Texas at Austin, where she studied Musical Theater. Sydney has served in Young Life as well as creative and worship ministries for various churches around the country. She loves living in Austin and pouring into the lives of young adult women! She's excited to be part of what God is doing at Austin Ridge.

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