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Unreached People Groups (UPGs)

Unreached People Groups (UPGs)

What is a UPG?

An Unreached People Group (UPG) has no indigenous Christ-centered community of believers with adequate numbers and resources within it to evangelize the people group without outside assistance. These groups likely do not have access to a local church or bible in their community and may never meet another follower of Jesus in their lifetime.

This 10-Step Within Reach Progress Scale identifies the progress of cross-cultural workers as they journey with UPGs toward a healthy indigenous church. Sometimes this means progress taking years between the steps.

Four of the major belief systems among the unreached include:

  • Animism: A belief system that thinks all things, including people, animals, geographic features, natural phenomena, and inanimate objects, possess a spirit that connects them to one another. The success or failure of one's life in the here and now depends on whether these spiritual blessings are pleased. If one can please the spiritual powers by ceremonies and behavior, they will cause good things to happen. If not, they will punish them with misfortune. There is no god or salvation. Current existence is based on appeasing spirits.
  • Buddhism: The belief system holds that all human life is suffering because, in this life, all will have desires. The key to ending this suffering is the realization that the true nature of reality is constantly changing, and therefore, human selves are not permanent or even real. A person who understands this will reach a state called "Nirvana" and end their painful cycle of death and rebirth. There is no god and no hope of salvation.
  • Hinduism: This belief system is built on the doctrine of reincarnation and karma. One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is "atman," or the belief in the soul. This philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul and are all part of the supreme soul. Hindus worship a plurality of gods, with the ultimate being Brahman. The end goal is to be absorbed back into Brahman. Works are required to appease multiple deities without any chance of salvation.
  • Islam: The belief system says there is one god, Allah, who created all things and will judge his creation at the end of time. Judgment will be based on obedience during a lifetime, primarily by adherence to five pillars: A mantra about the identity of god and his prophet Mohammed, ritual prayer, giving to the poor, pilgrimage to Mecca, and an annual month-long fast. There is no way to know if works will be enough, and there is no personal relationship and no grace from Allah.


Austin Ridge Bible Church has partnered with BLESS to reach these people groups around the world. This partnership allows us to pursue people beyond our borders with the love of Jesus.

At the heart of the BLESS mission is one simple thing: Sharing the love of Jesus with people who have never heard His name. Matthew 28 commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. BLESS is passionate about making this a reality by mobilizing people and resources to reach the Unreached.

The UPG Portfolio presents a powerful strategy for Kingdom investors to create lasting gospel impact. The diversified portfolio is comprised of Unreached people groups (UPGs) that BLESS is committed to supporting long-term as they move towards planting healthy, indigenous churches.

Learn more about the BLESS portfolio.

We support the following five UPGs in partnership with BLESS for the next 10-15 years:

People Group*


Practicing Religion




East Asia/Pacific


5—sharing the gospel



East Asia


3—learning minority language



South Asia


6—discipling new believers



East Asia


3—learning minority language


Tunisian Arabs

North Africa


5—sharing the gospel


*Some UPG names have been changed or omitted from this list to protect those working with this people group.

General Prayer Requests
  • Lord may Your way be known on the Earth and Your salvation among all the nations. (Psalm 67:2)
  • Thank You for the workers that You have raised up for the harvest to reach the unreached in these areas. Raise up more we ask! (Matthew 9:36-38)

Specific prayer requests for each people group

Have Questions?

  • Christine Stehno

    Christine Stehno

    Christine was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. She received her degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Since college, Christine has spent time working in Parks and Recreation as well as at a Christian Camp in Sequoia National Forest in California. A trip to Nepal really opened her heart to all aspects of missions. She loves being outside in the sunshine as much as possible, reading, pick-up pickleball games, and watching Husker sports – especially football. Go Big Red! She’s excited to be living in the warmth of the south and grateful for this chapter working in ministry and getting to pursue her passion for people.